Managing Your Multiple Dog Household
July 7, 2010 by Kelley
Filed under Dog Advice, Dog Training
Managing Your Multiple Dog Household Guest post by: Carrie Boyko of All Things Dog Blog Every week or two I receive at least one letter asking for help in managing a houseful of dogs, other pets, and kids too. It’s really not rocket science—more like team management. If you know you’ll be tied up after [...]
Secrets to Dog Training
May 19, 2010 by Kelley
Filed under Dog Products, Dog Training
Secrets to Dog Training (formerly named SitStayFetch) has been revamped and was officially launched on February 2, 2009. SitStayFetch has been the top selling dog training course for over four years, and it has been bought by over 217,000 dog owners world-wide. Having taken a close look at it, I understand why it has outsold [...]
Leash Training Your Dog
March 10, 2010 by Kelley
Filed under Dog Advice, Dog Training
Dog gurus like Cesar Millan often talk about the importance of a regular dog walking regimen. Walking your dog is: great exercise for both, you and your dog. It’s a good way to socialize your dog. It helps establish a stronger bond between you and your pet, and it can help burn off the excess [...]