This is a guest post written by Lorie Huston, she is an amazing veterinarian who is always willing to share her knowledge with others without reserve. Anyone who has cared for a puppy realizes how quickly they grow. Sometimes, it seems as though you can see them growing overnight. This rapid growth means that [...]
How a Bowl Should be Licked – Cute Dog Pictures
Kong Dog Toys Review
Soldiers Smuggle Adopted Dog into America
U.S. Army soldier Phil Bourillion and his team adopted a malnourished puppy they found in Afghanistan. They named their puppy Oso. They grew very attached to Oso, but when they received new orders and couldn’t take their dog with them, they hatched an intricate plan to smuggle their pup stateside. It just goes to show [...]
Dogs Tweeting On Twitter?
Picking Out a Dog
Fostering a Puppy/Dog
Have you ever considered fostering a puppy/dog from a rescue or the local shelter? Puppy’s can be a lot of fun and they’re very loving and playful. Puppies will need playtime on the floor. You’ll want to spend time down in their world to make yourself more accessible and help socialize them. Plus they’ll want [...]